
Transatlantic Cooperation vs. Tech Nationalism

Values and Standards in the New Systemic Competition
Foto: Daniel Friesenecker auf Pixabay

A Webinar with Andreas Freytag at the American-German Institute

This webinar explores the idea that transatlantic relations should be further strengthened through joint standard setting to gain traction in the intensifying systemic competition between the West and autocratic countries, first and foremost China. Based on similar values, cooperation in standard setting can be an instrument to secure economic prosperity across the Atlantic and make the transatlantic market attractive for companies from third countries.
The ability to set technological standards has become a prerequisite for a country’s success in global markets. To reap maximum benefits, it is important that a standard be widely used. Not only that, in the existing dynamic of systemic rivalry, technologies and technological standards are becoming weaponized.
Under this current situation of distrust, a tendency to favor tech nationalism has risen, even within close partnerships like the transatlantic relationship. But history shows that subsidy races, protectionism, and isolationism lead to inefficiencies.
From a geopolitical perspective, the United States and the European Union instead need to cooperate.
If the transatlantic partners can manage to create and enforce joint high standards that respect technical and environmental regulations—as well as social aspects of trade and investment—they will not only improve the well-being of their citizens, but also be able to attract businesses from other countries. And by generating familiarity with Western values, these commercial partners may even help to secure the global Westphalian and liberal order that is currently under stress.
(Text from AGI)

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